Pure South Bentonite Detox Clay



Comes in capsules: 120 Detox clay caps per bottle.

Pure South Bentonite is a mineral rich volcanic ash composed mostly of montmorillonite that was deposited in seawater around where New Zealand is now about 120 million years ago. Known for its highly absorptive properties and its ability to draw out and bind heavy metals, drugs and other toxins from the body. Bentonite clay has been used for thousands of years as both an internal and external purification aid. We use the finest bentonite from Invercargill new Zealand which is capable of absorbing 7-10 times its own weight in water, and swelling 18 times its dry volume.

Bentonite is a rock formed of highly colloidal and pliable clays composed mainly of montmorillonite which is transformed into its present form after during or deposition by reacting with alkaline lakes . The Clay become ionised and so are called Living Clays or Active Clays. This remarkable natural substance created from the minerals of earth both absorb and absorb at a phenomenal rate.

Bentonite contains amongst it many properties and trace minerals three primary or main minerals Silica (40%) Calcium (28%) and Magnesium (12% ). In the human body the three most common minerals are Silica ( 42%) Calcium (28%) Magnesium (12%) making it almost replicate the human main mineral composition!

Let us look at what the functions of these minerals are to the human body :

Silica: The organic ‘Carrier’ of the body and is called the “Magnetic element and is the second most common element next to oxygen in the earth’s crust. In the human body it is a bone builder and also attracts calcium and magnesium and other bone building elements. High levels of silica are also found in the hair nails, and skin and it coats the outside of nerve sheaths as well as the ligaments, teeth, lungs, trachea, aorta and tendons. Silica is essential to mobilise calcium and in nature it gives the shiny coat around growing plants especially grains, Silica gives plants and animals strength.

Calcium: Is the bone knitter, helps blood to clot, strengthens cell membranes and serves as an electrolyte throughout the body, Calcium should always be taken with approximately half as much magnesium as it works also in nerve transmission. Calcium and magnesium together are involved in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and the fifth most abundant substance. About 99% is deposited in the bones and teeth. The remaining 1% is involved in the soft tissues, intracellular fluids and blood.

Magnesium: Is essential for the body to be able to use calcium and vitamin C. It helps convert blood sugar in to useable energy, helps prevent heart attack and keeps the cardiovascular system healthy, relives indigestion, aids in resisting depression, helps prevent calcium deposits, kidney stones and gallstones, improves dental health, relieves muscle spasm and pain. Magnesium is active in enzymes needed to make adenosine triphosphate, which is at the heart of every cell’s energy production system. These three essential minerals are arguably the most common mineral deficiencies in the world today. Living Clay virtually replicates the Living Body in its mineral composition. When we look at the human brain we find that it is silica that acts as the organic carrier.

Taking bentonite clay internally

When clay is taken internally, because of its large surface area and negative charge, it dominates positive charged particles (toxins and bacteria) drawing them to it and carrying them out of the body.One gram of Calcium Bentonite Clay has a surface area of over 800 square meters! The greater the surface area, the greater the adsorption and in turn the greater its power to attract positively charged particles/molecules.Bentonite Clay gives no evidence that it has any chemical effect on the body. Its action is purely physical.

“The ionic charge of pure, natural Calcium Bentonite Clay is 100% negative. This unique clay adsorbs and absorbs positive charged ions….Most everything that attacks our bodies – bacteria, viruses, fungi, diseases, toxic chemicals etc – is of a positive ionic charge.”

“As we apply hydrated Calcium Bentonite Clay topically to our bodies or drink liquidCalcium Bentonite Clay, its only function is to draw to itself positive charged molecules,which it holds like a magnet, both internally and externally, until we wash them from our bodies or pass them through our bodies.”

Bentonite appears to also stimulates the body’s inner resources to awaken the stagnant energy. It supplies the body with the available magnetism to run well. “Clay works best when taken over a long period of time as it does not offer instant cures for all ailments, but it can encourage the body to put up a better fight.”

“For over 2 years I have been drinking the Pure South Clay on a daily basis.It eliminated my reflux immediately and so I sleep better. More energy. No more dry flaky skin.No more athletes foot. No more strong urine.Long term shoulder pain gone.Long term right knee pain gone after 1 year – back jogging.In 20 years of taking supplements I have never had such remarkable results with just one product.”
Allan Thomas of Invercargill

“After three months of using the Pure South Clay I found it to be a miracle.I lost weight.I sleep better.I used to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. All this problem is gone.””This is an amazing product. ”
Maree from Christchurch

“After getting amazing results with my three horses after feeding them Pure South Clay I felt I should try it. I used the capsules.I now wake up ready to rise.Irritable bowel symptoms have disappeared.Nails are stronger.I thoroughly recommend this product as a life supplement for anyone or their equine companion.”
Carol from Gore


Parasites: I have long been an advocate of detoxing the body from the negative effects of parasites and my Para 2000 formula has literally helped thousands of individuals rid themselves of these unwanted guests. Now we have another powerful weapon against them: Regular intake of bentonite includes parasite removal from the intestines, and used alongside the herbal Parasite formula I believe does a more thorough job of eliminating a greater number and variety.

Using the Clay the body will begin to discard toxic residues which have built up in the body over the years. During the initial phase of healing, as your body begins to clean house (detoxify) and your vital energy begins to repair and rebuild internal organs, you may experience a cleansing process although those of you who have been consistently using my herbal program including the Blood tonic, para, Mineral max and Cod liver oil will experience less of a crises reaction because your body will be cleaner and in better health anyway.

The advantage of using the bentonite clay is deeper work and especially ridding your body or the toxic heavy metals picked up from our atmosphere and especially from toxic mercury amalgam fillings. The clay’s immediate action upon the body is directly on the digestive system involving the clay binding with the toxic substances and removing them from the body with the stool.

It performs this job with every kind of toxin, including those from the environment, such as heavy metals, and those that occur naturally as by-products of the body’s own health processes, such as metabolic toxins as a result of stress, inefficient metabolism, the proliferation of free radicals etc. The body has no problem ridding itself of the clay as it assists the body’s eliminatory process by acting as a bulking agent and can be combined with Procleanse or psyllium fiber for better or faster effect, sweeping out the unwanted toxic old material. It is not digested in the same manner as food as it passes through the alimentary canal. Instead, it stimulates peristalsis, the muscular contractions that move food and stool through the bowels.

Pure South Detox Bentonite Clay stimulates the body’s inner resources to awaken the stagnant energy. It supplies the body with the necessary negative ionic charge to run well. Calcium Bentonite Clay propels the immune system to a healthy balance and strengthens the body to its point of highest resistance.Calcium Bentonite Clay restores and rejuvenates the body on a cellular energetic level,essentially reversing the traditional dying process to one of a living rejuvenation process. Calcium Bentonite Clay literally turns the dying and aging process upside down and turns back the hands of time in life’s time continuum.

Parasites in modern society

More than 85% of our population harbours some kind of parasite. A parasite is a living organism which receives its nourishment and shelter from another organism where it lives. In New Zealand there are 150 parasites known to commonly effect our population. Many species of parasites show no socioeconomic boundaries and may be found in all climates. Evidence is now available to show that civilised countries have the same rate or worse of parasitic diseases that exists in third world countries. A clogged intestine with putrid fecal matter and plenty of sugar provides the ideal breeding ground for intestinal parasites to thrive. That means that even here in New Zealand it is epidemic in proportion and a serious threat to your health.

Once worms are in the body they can do basically four things.

Poisoning with their toxic waste known as, “verminous intoxication”
Immune dysfunction/ deficiency
Rob us of nutrients including vitamins minerals and amino acids
Cause trauma to the body by perforation of the intestines, etc.
The vast majority of parasites are seldom fatal: they do however cause a host of health related problems ranging from common colds and allergies to severe such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel conditions, lowered immunity and much more. Parasites can be present in any disease: Many individuals with parasites are unaware that they have them. On the whole unless your Doctor suspects parasites they will not even be considered as a possible cause to your illness. Even if he does the lab tests for these undesirable guests will be hopelessly inadequate.

Parasites are great deceivers. Most of them have several different stages of their lifestyle and in many of these stages they change both their location and nature. Many individuals are in the twilight zone of health (not sick and not well).

When disease symptoms are suppressed without addressing the cause, more symptoms are eventually created to medicate.

Common Symptoms of Parasitic Infections are:

Constipation Gas and bloating
Pains or aches in the back, joints or muscles
Irritable bowel syndrome
Eating more than normal and still feeling hungry
Itchy ears, nose or anus
Unpleasant sensations in the stomach
Nervousness or grumpiness
Chronic fatigue
lethargy or apathy
Various skin problems
Nutritional deficiencies or anaemia
Immune system problems
Tooth grinding or clenching
Excess weight
Blurry vision

By far the most common tissue condition of the human body is imbalanced pH or acid alkaline balance. Healthy body tissue maintains around a 7.4 pH. When our bodies are acidic (less than 7.4) disease flourishes. Most people are too acidic. Calcium Bentonite Clay has a pH as high as 9.7. To balance your pH, drink 1-2 ounces liquid Calcium Bentonite Clay daily. Take 2 – 3 clay baths weekly. Do one full body wrap weekly. Take 3 capsules internally every day


One of the most common signs seen in iris analysis and also in the live blood analysis we do her in clinic is liver stress. Weight gain and depression are just two common manifestations of a congested overworked liver. Restoring liver function is one of the most important and vital actions you could ever do for your health. When the liver gets congested and toxic, it will remain that way and get worse until it gets detoxified and rejuvenated. The liver has over 500 known functions and some of the signs of a congested stress liver are :Chronic fatigue Weight gain Poor memory PMS Mental fog, Blood sugar disorders, Allergies, Obesity, Various skin problems,Nutritional deficiencies or anemia, Immune system problems,Tooth grinding or clenching,Excess weight, Forgetfulness Blurry vision. By taking Pure South Detox Bentonite clay daily by its cleansing action of the bowel the liver is relieved of much of its burden of vicarious cleansing. The liver detoxes poisons infiltrating from the bowel membrane. By having a cleaner bowel the liver is able to do its other detoxifying functions much more efficiently. High levels of energy , less pain, better digestion and clear thought processing are among the myriad of benefits.


Drink 2 teaspoons of Detox Bentonite Clay in water 3 times a day and drink plenty of extra water ( one and a half litres ) Take 1 – 2 clay baths a week. Do 1 full body clay wrap weekly and or taking 2-3 capsules 1- 3 times daily can assist weight loss. Continue this treatment until you reach your desired weight.


If you are going to use clay topically or internally you should ask 10 questions:

Is it a Calcium based Bentonite? Is it milled to at least a 325-screen mesh particle?

Is the pH at least 9.5?Is it a Living Clay capable of adsorbing and absorbing positive charged ions?Is it a green swelling clay of the Montmorillonite/Smectite group?

Is it tasteless and odorless? Is its efficacy, its ionic ratio at lease 20 to1? (Drawing power)Is it an all-natural, clean clay, direct from the mine source and purified by sun exposure ? and Is it a clay that expands and absorbs to a 1 to 3 ratio in volume? Pure South Clay fits all these criteria


(covering your body with hydrated clay)

Full Body Wraps increase circulation, exfoliate, firm and deep cleanse your skin.

It helps to slightly warm the hydrated clay. Put the hydrated clay in a zip lock bag and put the bag in a sink of warm water for a few minutes.- Spread a medium to light coating of the hydrated clay all over your dry body (even your hair if you wish) – from head to toe – avoid getting clay in your eyes and ear canals. – You can stand in a warm room in the open air like a clay statue until it dries (or outside in the sun) and then shower it off, or you can wrap yourself gently in plastic wrap or towels or a sheet to slow the drying process and extend the treatment to an hour or more and then shower off and towel dry.- You don’t always have to do your entire body – you could do your feet and legs,or face and neck, or your upper body.- Depending on skin sensitivity, hydrated clay can be used 2-3 times a week or as needed. Once a week is good maintenance if you have no skin problems and just want to firm and soften your skin.


Clay baths stimulate the lymphatic system and detox it. Clay baths also pull toxic metals out through the pores of your skin and are great for sore muscles.One heaped tablespoon of Pure South Detox clay – ONLY STAY IN FOR 20 MINUTES! If you stay in longer you could have a cleansing reaction and experience fatigue, headaches, muscle soreness etc. A clay bath can be very stimulating so you may not want to take it before bed. You can take the “used” clay bath water and use it to water your plants!


Clay foot baths are great for treating corns and calluses. In a dishpan or suitable container, dilute 1 – 2 tablespoons of Pure South hydrated clay with one cup of warm water. Soak the foot/feet for 30 minutes to an hour. Repeat daily. Corns and calluses tend to peel off in as little as 3 – 4 days.


Mix the dry power into a heavy paste. Use approximately 1 part clay to 1 or 1 ½ parts water. Stir thoroughly with a wooden or plastic spoon.- Allow to sit for several hours until the water and clay are completely blended.- Spread a thick layer of the clay paste onto a piece of cloth or gauze. Apply to the affected area. – See the book LIVING CLAY by Perry A. for details on using poultices for liver detoxing to spider bites.



KEEP YOUR BODY HYDRATED BY DRINKING A MINIMUM OF ONE AND A HALF LITRES OF WATER DAILY. The water helps to soften and loosen impacted fecal material lining the walls of the small intestine and colon. The clay absorbs it and removes it. If you tend to be constipated, it is a good idea to take 1 – 3 Teaspoons of Fermented virgin coconut oil and/or 1-2 T. extra virgin olive oil every day, in addition to your doses of clay and 10 glasses of water, until the clay

regulates you. For more stubborn bowels take 2 capsules of Regular bowel each evening

DAILY MAINTENANCE DOSES – You can take clay every day for the rest of your life! Taking clay daily will help you maintain a clean digestive system and will help to keep removing the pollutants and toxins you encounter every day. Clay works best when taken over a long period of time. It is preferable, but not critical, that you take clay on an empty stomach. The best times to take it is one hour after dinner If you are taking medication, wait 1 – 3 hours after taking the drug before taking the clay. If you are taking life-supporting pharmaceutical medications or medications containing metals, please consult with your doctor before using clay. The clay can pull the metals from your body and reduce the efficacy of these pharmaceutical medications. Liquid Clay – 1 heaped teaspoon in water once a day (be sure and drink lots of water) Hydrated Clay – 1 – 2 Tablespoons a day (be sure and drink lots of water) Capsules 3 capsules one hour after dinner daily


– Pure South Detox Calcium Bentonite is Living Clay, is volcanic ash

– has the same mineral composition as the human body!

Clay is 40% Silica, 28% Calcium and 12% Magnesium

– has a large surface area and a negative charge, enabling it to draw positive

charged particles (toxins, bacteria, viruses, chemicals etc.) to it (draws 32 times its

molecular weight!)

– does not break down in the body. It’s action in the body is purely physical – it

attracts toxins, holds them like a magnet and carries them out of the body

– is a powerful antioxidant

– removes parasites from the intestines

– stimulates the immune system

– stimulates the lymph system (the janitorial system in the body)

– increases circulation and blood flow

– rejuvenates the body on a cellular energetic level

– neutralizes and balances acidic conditions – clay is very alkaline with a pH of 9.7

– can be used to assist in weight loss

– can be used to detox the body

– can be used daily (internally and/or externally) to help maintain a clean digestive

system and to remove toxins

– can be used topically (facial masks, body wraps, “spot” work) and in baths

– has been called “Botox in a jar” – hydrated clay used for facial treatments

removes wrinkles, blemishes, sun damaged skin and “age” or “liver” spots!

– like all natural substances, clay works best when used for a long period of time

– is a healing substance that has been used for millennia

The clay we sell is clean, uncontaminated, tasteless and odorless. It is

laboratory tested to insure purity. We sell clay in a powdered form from which you can

make liquid and hydrated clay or in convienient capsules

FOOT BATH: Clay foot baths are great for treating corns and calluses. In a dishpan or suitable

container, dilute 1 – 2 cups of hydrated clay with one cup of warm water. Soak the

foot/feet for 30 minutes to an hour. Repeat daily. Corns and calluses tend to peel off in as

little as 3 – 4 days.

FULL BODY WRAP (covering your body with hydrated clay) Full Body Wraps increase circulation, exfoliate, firm and deep cleanse your skin.- It helps to slightly warm the hydrated clay. Put the hydrated clay in a zip lock bag and put the bag in a sink of warm water for a few minutes.

– Spread a medium to light coating of the hydrated clay all over your dry body (even your hair if you wish) – from head to toe – avoid getting clay in your eyes and ear canals.- You can stand in a warm room in the open air like a clay statue until it dries (or outside in the sun) and then shower it off, or you can wrap yourself gently in plastic wrap or towels or a sheet to slow the drying process and extend the treatment to an hour or more and then shower off and towel dry. You don’t always have to do your entire body – you could do your feet and legs,or face and neck, or your upper body.- Depending on skin sensitivity, hydrated clay can be used 2-3 times a week or as needed. Once a week is good maintenance if you have no skin problems and just want to firm and soften your skin.


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